Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cowboys and Aliens

Hello readers who are apparently bored... Or, you just really enjoy my blog. Either way you're here and that's all that matters. Anywho, enough small talk. Cowboys and Aliens was released this passed weekend and naturally I went and saw it. So lets just do the thing, shall we?

Lets start with a brief overview... Cowboys and Aliens pretty much sums up what we'll be talking about. The movie is set in a mining town that couldn't find enough gold so the only real source of income is cattle and such... Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, aliens start taking folks and they have to find their people before its to late. Boom, roasted.

As we talk about this Sci-Fi western, we're going to break down the good, the bad, and the ugly. (Pun... Oh, I love movie jokes) I was incredibly excited about this movie ever since the first preview. Mainly because its a movie called Cowboys and Aliens, and the wonderful people who were involved. Lets list off who is apart of this summer gloriousness... Director is Jon Favreau, who has never has made a bad movie. Producers are Steven Spielberg, Ron Howard, and Brian Grazer. All of which know how to create killer blockbuster movies. Actor Daniel Craig, who is awesome, and Harrison Ford who could quite possibly be my hero. There is not a solo actor more awesome. (What? more puns). Needless to say, with such a great crew they took an original idea and made an awesome movie.

I loved how they were able to keep a western feel of filming, such as the opening scene which is a classic western move, and at the same time tackle something ridiculous like an alien movie. There is a story of redemption which is a classic western under tone all the way which to me was executed nicely. The Aliens in the movie have a good feel to where they're not too corny and reasonably intense. All of that to say that it is a beautiful blockbuster film... No Oscars, but I don't care. That's what winter time is for. Non entertaining films that George Clooney and Meryll Streep are in. ( I'm a hypocrite for that last joke because I actually heart Clooney)Anyway, I loved me some Cowboys and Aliens!

The bads of the movie list in the following... So I can't think of any. I'm sure that's my emotions talking so don't be reading in a judging tone. I'm sure if I were to watch it again, which I will, I would be able to pick it apart, but that's neither here nor there. Just know that the movie is going to be a bit ridiculous and if you here people complaining about that, this is what I would say. "Its a movie called Cowboys and Aliens. (In a manner that made them sound stupid) Of course its going to be ridiculous... ridiculously awesome."