Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kids Camp!

To my faithful followers (John) I apologize for my absence of blogs. Since we last met I had an auditions in Seattle with a big acting agency. Just as you thought they said no. I also have watched Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, which was one that blew my mind. However, that is not what I am going to talk about. Side note, I also apologize for various spelling and grammar errors.

Kids Camp is upon me. I leave tommorow at 9 am. We are taking 28 kids! Awesome right. What is not awesome is that the most kids I have ever been in charge of is 5. Now I'm taking these kids out of town. So if parents you are worried... you should be. Your kids are only semi safe. Rest assure though, if one is left behind it is either because he was acting up or they failed to know what the movie Topgun is. (If you bring your kids to Club 180, be sure to educate them on great movies so they can laugh at my references to movies like Topgun and Dances With Wolves).

Anyway, I will write again to tell you about my adventures. I am shooting for a 90 percent return rate. Thats an A, right.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

For the Fourth, our youth ministry went to the west side of the mountains to sell fireworks to make money for our ministry. We got there Friday sold fireworks and hung out. On Saturday the plan was to sell until midnight, light fireworks off, and then drive home.

We finished our business in Spanaway at about 1 in the morning. Then I took my death defying mission to drive our summer interns home on this 3 hour trip. I drank an energy drink hoping to increase my chances of living, then we were off. My friend had one task, talk to me and keep me awake. An hour past... he fell asleep. I found myself singing every song I knew out loud, white knuckle driving, trying not to close my eyes. We pulled into town at 4 in the morning with out any stops. Impressive, I know.

Sunday, I slept for an hour, went to the morning service where I played guitar. Then our Pastor put on a video that was slow at first, but regardless of the content the room was dark and I fought to try and not fall asleep. I succeeded. Then I taught our coffee shop lesson, about a confident warrior, which I kept their attention... Kabang! Then I decided to teach our children where I jumped around as much as I could until church was over where I went to sleep for a few hours.

Moral of the story, even though this was extremely hard to do, it was awesome and I don't regret it at all or think about what could have happened if I fell asleep. I just finished Stranger Than Fiction which reminded me to live my life. Afterward, I can confidently say I am.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Public Enemies

Public Enemies was great! It truly brought you into the story line and got you interested in all the characters. Michael Mann (Director/Writer) did a terrific job with the screen play, giving foreshadowing, humor, and intensity in this clever film. Mann has created great blockbusters in the past (Heat, 1995 and Miami Vice, 2006) but has out done himself in Public Enemies.

Johnny Depp plays an outstanding anti-hero in the form of bank robber John Dillinger. With his odd style of public relational robber, you fall in love with Dillinger, a straight to the point kind of guy that never lets his friends down, and he didn’t let us down either. Depp delivers an amazing performance giving us memorable lines like, “I like baseball, movies, fast cars, whiskey, and you.”

Christian Bale plays a FBI agent assigned to hunt down Dillinger and as the “Hero” Bale delivers a stone cold performance as just the right agent for the job in the young Federal Bureau of Investigation. Even though as good Christian Americans we are suppose to root for Bale and the FBI, Mann turns it around and you root for the bank robbers.

The things I didn’t like about this film are that a few parts were slow where it seemed the story line had a hard time moving forward. In these situations the dialogue was not clever enough to keep you interested, however there are not too many of these situations.

The rating I would give this movie as a drama is 9 out of 10 and as an overall film 9 out of 10. I would have no trouble watching this movie again and very well could have earned a spot on Jesse’s top 20.

(If you don’t like the movie, it’s not my fault; you just have a bad taste in movies.)