Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Experience Something Different!

What is up everybody? I know there will be like a total of 3 people reading this but I'll write it anyway...

Lets start off by saying, if you haven't seen any movies recently, watch Super 8 and Transformers 3! They are both awesome! Be looking forward to my reviews of Captain America and Cowboys and Aliens. Just so you know.

Experience Something Different! This is a sermon series I starteed in Invictus college ministry after I feel God inspired me to speak it. I am super excited for this series because of the pace and trends we will be setting. We came to the conclusion that following Jesus is something incredible and we need to recklessly seek after that relationship.

If you recall in the Book of Genesis there is a story about a man named Jacob who wrestled with God all night. God touched his hip and put it out of place. Jacob from then on out walked with a limp. I'm writing to this blog that no one will read because I know that as Jacob walked differently after God touched him, in the same way we have a chance to walk differently after a touch and an experience with God.

God has great plans for you! He has a love like no other. He provides peace and comfort unlike anyone else. If you seek out love and joy in something else you are chasing an imitation and you have been ripped off. God has something different than what the world can provide you. Let me tell you, What God has is better!

I encourage you, seek after God and you'll find him! Make it happen, experience something different from normal dumb mundane life.

Walk different forever!

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