Tuesday, May 26, 2009

17 Again

So I know that this is not opening weekened but I'm not a God. However I did go watch it this weekened and loved it.

As Burr Steers' first big movie directing; I thought he did well. Nothing to spectacular directing but the film didn't really need any. There are a few scenes that hold out suspense due to his camera shots which I appreciated.

Well, Zac Effron in his first big movie outside of disney. At firtst I'll admit I was judgemental. "Oh Zac gets to play another highschool student who is popular." However he proved me wrong. His character is an adult trapped in a teenagers body so he did need to act outside of his normal high school role. With a lot of funny parts and a few emotional Zac Effron did a great job in his first non-disney movie.

Thomas Lennon, better known as Lut. Dangle from Reno 911. One word describes his character, hilarious. Nuff said.

Overall this movie was very funny, sometimes awkward, and entertaining. Luckly the movie is clean minus a few sex jokes which is awesome to see. I give this movie an 8 out of 10 in comedy and as an overall movie 7.6 out of 10.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Terminator Salvation

I saw terminator the first chance I got yesterday and needless to say, I was blown away. I was impressed by the acting all around in the main characters. Christian Bale is always the man and proves it again in this film. Anton Yelchin, (Kyle Reese) did a great job, exploding into the sci-fi world in Star Trek and Terminator. The good thing for him is that sci-fi is not what it used to be.

I enjoyed the plot and how they kept you on the edge of your seat. There was enough to keep the story line going but never gave a ton away. With lots of action, in this post judgment day, Terminator was an excellent start to the summer movie releases. I give it 8.5 out of 10 stars which means that it was awesome.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I just feel impressed to tell everyone that it is not always about the new summer release movies. Although I will see Terminator tommorrow and I just rented curious case of benjiman button. However, there are a lot of great movies that you might have missed before you were born or you just didn't get to it. I just watched Escape from Alcatraz with Clint Eastwood. Great movie. I also just rented a movie called winchester 77. Netflix is convinced that I will absolutley love it.

So I encourage you get a little classic in your life. Philidaphia Story with James Stewart, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, also James Stewart and John Wayne. Any type of Hitchcock movie. Psycho will blow your mind. Casablanca. nuff said. So do it, get a little classic in your life. I'll be more than happy to suggest or answer any question you have about it.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I saw Wolverine today. Yes it di have a few corny parts but I thought they did a good job of it. If you didn't see him losing his memory at the end then you either are not a true fan of the Origin comic books which are sick. or you have never seen either of the X-Men.

On another note, I went to mixed martial arts to watch. This is an interesting gig because I had a drunk guy yelling behind me acting like he knew what was going on. Hit 'em in the face, punch faster, you suck, stuff like that. This guy was an idiot to say the least. If this guy went against any fighter there, (including the 12 Year old) he would get his face beat in. I'm not saying I'm a great fighter however if you go to a sporting event educate yourself on what is going on. I don't want to hear at the next baseball game, pitch a strike! Catch the ball! Run Faster! Get real lay off the boose or don't come into public. Other than that Jesus loves these people almost as much as the rest of us.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ponder This...

So I am in a delima right now. I have been convicted by God to be more humble. So I don't want to say I'm the most awesome. However, I don't want to lie either because that is a sin too. So I'll leave it blank.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Another Day

I shot a fairly good round of golf. Pondered on a few things. Made a kickin video. Watched grumpier old men. Which brings me to my point. In the movie they are chasing this monster fish and always try to catch it. Finally they do catch it. Then they release it even though they had the dream of mounting it on there wall. So my point is we are all chasing this monster fish, well at least people who fish are. One day you'll catch it. But if you don't fish then you've wasted your time reading this.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Blog

Mothers day today. We went to Black Angus to celebrate and I had a heart warminh bacon cheese burger. About 3 hours later I had the worst case of diareah I have ever had. Need less to say I feel a ton better.