Friday, May 15, 2009


I saw Wolverine today. Yes it di have a few corny parts but I thought they did a good job of it. If you didn't see him losing his memory at the end then you either are not a true fan of the Origin comic books which are sick. or you have never seen either of the X-Men.

On another note, I went to mixed martial arts to watch. This is an interesting gig because I had a drunk guy yelling behind me acting like he knew what was going on. Hit 'em in the face, punch faster, you suck, stuff like that. This guy was an idiot to say the least. If this guy went against any fighter there, (including the 12 Year old) he would get his face beat in. I'm not saying I'm a great fighter however if you go to a sporting event educate yourself on what is going on. I don't want to hear at the next baseball game, pitch a strike! Catch the ball! Run Faster! Get real lay off the boose or don't come into public. Other than that Jesus loves these people almost as much as the rest of us.

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