Friday, June 12, 2009

Night at the Museum 2

The Night at the Museum 2, sorry it took so long, was pretty good. It had its funny parts, had some suspense, and a little love story. This movie is great for kids(except for the one behind me in the movie theatre who claimed "I'm never watching this again!"). But what does he know, he was four and didn't even know who Ben Stiller was. Idiot.

The acting was excactly what it needed to be. No, it won't win an oscar but it was fitting. I felt the directing could have been a little bit better but overall it was good. On the other hand, the screen write decided to take some of the jokes a little far and when we needed comic relief there was none.

The thing I loved most was the unexpected star power throughout the movie. Yeah Night at the Museum hand Ben Stiller and Amy Adams but they weren't the best part. This movie was helped along with stars such as Jonah Hill, Bill Hader, Christopher Guest, and yes the Jonas Brothers. Not to mention all the other star power from the first one. There is something that happens when a star steps into a cameo. Its just better that way.

Overall, Night at the Museum 2 had its funny moments, I thought a stroy line that fits children, and even some romance. (Actually, there was like 2 kissing scenes) Igive the movie a solid 8 out of 10 for a childrens movie and a 7.7 out of ten for a daily watcher.

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